In the spring of 2020, the following was observed:
In his PhoSul treated acres, there is noticeably heavier yields plus dark healthy green foliage and some lodging.
Fresh Hay Weights 3’ X 3’ weighed samples (Dry Weights)
Sample 1: 8.12 lbs (4.81 lbs)
Sample 2: 7.31 lbs (4.94 lbs)
Crude Protein: 18.8% (21.2% dry)
Digestible Protein: 14.7% (16.6% dry)
The acres treated with competitor product shows a yellowish green color with shorter plant heights and some disease incidence.
Fresh Hay Weights 3’ X 3’ weighed samples (Dry Weights)
Sample 1: 3.18 lbs (1.75 lbs)
Sample 2: 2.00 lbs (0.94 lbs)
Crude Protein: 13.3% (15.6% dry)
Digestible Protein: 9.7% (11.3% dry)
*Third party protein analysis by Soiltest Farm Consultants, Inc., certified by the National Forage Testing Association (NFTA).
The control plot (no fertilizer added) yielded 6.47 t/ac (fresh weight) and 3.78 t/ac dry weight, while Phosul yielded (on average) 18.64 t/ac (fresh weight) and 11.80 t/ac dry weight. An increase of 12.17 t/ac (wet) and 8.02 t/ac (dry) was realized in this field. At $125/ton, a return of $821/ac (gain – product cost @500 lbs/ac) makes Phosul a great investment! The producer plans to re-apply Phosul after his first cutting.