PhoSul Tests

MSU Phosphate Availability Study

Study shows the effectiveness of rock phosphate and sulfur in providing soluble phosphate requirements to the soil to meet the growing needs of plants under organic production. Sulfur improves the availability of phosphate more quickly from rock phosphate in non-acidic soils.
2 Year Side by Side Alfalfa Study

A Montana producer saw noticeable differences on his alfalfa crop between a source of granulated rock phosphate versus PhoSul on his alfalfa. He used 500 lbs/acre of the competitor's product on most of his land. 4 acres were designated for the use of PhoSul applied at 500 lbs/acre.
MSU Winter Wheat Field Study Poster

Phosul is involved in additional field and greenhouse tests with multiple Montana State University (MSU) Extension Labs under and the guidance of Dr. Jed Eberly with studies on Potatoes and Winter and Spring Wheat. A study Winter Wheat in 2021 shows a significantly higher yield.